Thursday, March 8, 2012


Gordon Korman website : Official Gordon Korman Web Site

This is my favorite quotation:
"They lay there in silence for what seemed like a long time, listening to the machine-gun rhythm of rain on the ancient slate roof." On page 8.

In the beginning, Griffin and Ben are at the haunted house where they are holding a party telling everybody is going to have fun but they limit anything that doesn't involve trouble. Their friends said twenty-seven are coming but they lied so they are only two people and had conversation about the party and the house.
     Then Griffin wandered off the examine the house and saw something that i s really rare that nobody had seen. Then Griffin said that he is on his way of becoming a millionaire but when he met a person who gives him cheap money. Then Griffin makes a deal and thinks he's been cheated and goes back but the person says no refunds. After a conversation, Griffin wants to swindle his card back and take back what's his.